Tag Archive | Beech Tree

Beechdrops at the Morgan Arboretum

Beechdrops at the Morgan Arboretum

Physical Description Beechdrops (Epifagus virginiana) are annual flowering plants which parasitize beech tree roots all over Eastern North America. They completely lack chlorophyll and have smooth, brownish stems and branches that reach a height of about 30cm (Musselman, 1982).  During our own observations, they were very easy to miss under all the autumn leaf litter, […]

Beech Bark Disease in American Beech Trees (Fagus grandifolia)

Beech Bark Disease in American Beech Trees (Fagus grandifolia)

Identification of an American beech tree (Fagus grandifolia): Beech trees can be found in upland areas of a mature deciduous forest. The identification of a beech tree can be done year round with the use of five criteria appearing continually or seasonally: Bark Beech trees stand out by their thin, smooth, grey bark. Leaf The […]

American Beech Tree (Fagus grandifolia)

American Beech Tree (Fagus grandifolia)

General Natural History The American Beech tree (Fagus grandifolia) is a deciduous hardwood tree, native to eastern North America. Its habitat ranges in Canada from Nova Scotia to southern Ontario, and in the United-States from its western limit of Illinois, south to northern Florida (Forrester, McGee & Mitchel 2003). Although, it may have a wide […]